With your financial plan in place, now you can focus your efforts on accumulating the funds that will support you, your family, your career and your future. At this point in the planning process, you’re likely nearing the peak of your earning potential, so make the most of it and keep these challenges in mind.


Managing your competing needs and goals:

We’ll work with you to prioritize your goals and plan accordingly, while always being thoughtful about your current lifestyle choices versus future wants.


Planning for retirement:

We’ll make your retirement our first priority – ensuring you are taking full advantage of savings vehicles, particularly tax advantaged accounts available to you through your employer and Raymond James.


Planning for college:

We’ll help explain and evaluate all of your and your child’s education funding options – from savings plans to scholarships.


Maximizing you employer benefits:

We’ll be sure to help make good decisions and factor your retirement, medical, life and disability benefits into your overall planning.


Selecting appropriate investments:

We have access to a wide variety of investments when designing portfolios for our clients and – with the support of Raymond James research and due diligence, and our own analysis and understanding of your needs – we choose investments best suited to your needs, constraints, obligations and goals.


Managing risk:

We’ll work with you to mitigate volatility in your portfolio, identify risks and assist you with finding the appropriate insurance where needed (renters/homeowners, health, life, disability, etc.).


If you need further advice, please reach out! We are always happy to help you and those you love.